Welcome to Attendant Chairs
Single / Double Bed Seats

Sevde Bed Sofa
Attendant: It is the name given to a patient's relative who should stay with a patient for days or days. Since this name will stay in the hospital throughout the day, he must sleep in a comfortable single sofa. Sevde Yatak Olan Seat is just one of our products that will meet your exact needs, you can click the button below to see the size and technical information of the bed.

Sevde Bed Sofa
If you have a small space in your cottage, if you want to make a corner of the house a reading area, if you are tired of daily work, if you are looking for furniture that has a small place for yourself, you are in the right place. If you are looking for a stylish, high quality and suitable seat, you can look at the products we recommend to you. We would like to show you our "Sevde" model. You can see the required dimensions and technical information from the button below. We strongly recommend you to take a look at this extremely demanding product. Quality is never an accident.

Sofa with Poly Mattress
"3 Levels"
If you have excessive back pain, headache, physical disorders during the day, we offer this chair to your service. Our chair named Poli has 3 stages and can be positioned in 3 different ways. You can use it in an upright position like a normal seat. The slightly reclined position is a chair that you can stretch while watching television, reading a book, relaxing your body. Its final position is a full bed, allowing you to lie comfortably on it. You can go to the product from the button below.
Refakatçi koltuğu nedir ?Genellikle hastanelerin hasta odalarında hasta yakınlarının istirahat etmesi için kullanılan, yatak olabilen koltuklardır. Fakat günümüzde evlerimize girmekle beraber bahçesinde, yazlığında, kütüphanelerinde kullanılabiliyor.
Refakatçi koltuğu fiyatları nelerdir ?Fiyat bilgisi almak, için bizlerle iletişime geçiniz. İletişim sayfasında bulunan adres, e-mail ve ve telefon bilgilerimize mesai saatleri içinde ulaşabilirsiniz.
Mesai saatleriniz nelerdir ?Pazartesi: 08.30 - 19.00 Salı: 08.30 - 19.00 Çarşamba: 08.30 - 19.00 Perşembe: 08.30 - 19.00 Cuma: 08.30 - 19.00 Cumartesi: 08.30 - 17.00
Refakatçi koltuğu renkleri nelerdir ?İstediğiniz renk ve adette deri, hakiki deri ve kumaş olmak üzere üretimlerinizi yapabiliyoruz.